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Blog – Eduvision

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Using IIRC Framework

We often get asked about how some of these new “large company” initiatives can be used in a small business to add value. We believe that the thinking around using the IIRC model in particular the application of the 6 “capitals”...

Integrated Reporting – and IIRC

There is growing momentum for the concept of <IR> or Integrated Reporting; I am a great fan of this approach wherein an organization looks at the key drivers for its business model and then presents accountability on how it plans, manages and accounts...

Our Business Model

In the research and development that we do for both consulting as well as the book we have used many of the global models for excellence as well as the ideas that form the foundation of the Toyota Management Model (although we have changed it a bit!)....

Interest in our book

“Reflective Leaders and High-Performance Organizations” authored by Dr. Peter Smyth and myself was published in 2012 and it seems that as always the problem is exposure and marketing. Everyone who reads the book agrees with our positions and...